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Staying Connected During COVID-19

Social distancing requirements paired with increased restrictions make connecting with our loved ones trickier than ever before.

Now more than ever, it’s important to find ways (even small ones) to connect with each other. Something as simple as remembering old songs, sharing favorite scriptures or poetry or storytelling can help connect us.

Video Chat or FaceTime

While it’s important to limit the physical human interaction, there are still lots of ways to maintain conversation. Keeping your older friends, neighbors and family members connected to those around them through virtual visiting (such as a video chat on Skype or a phone call through FaceTime or a family call on Zoom) can lift their spirits. There are many ways to catch up without leaving our homes. If all that sounds a little too high tech for you, a simple phone call works just as well.

Write Letters

While we don’t use it near as often, the good old fashioned letter hasn’t lost its touch. It might be a little old-school, but who doesn’t get excited when you open the mailbox and find a handwritten note or letter inside? Sending a card to loved ones that may be isolated is an easy way to keep communication open and can be a fun reminder they can post in their home. Adding a printed photo or drawing is a personal touch that makes a letter extra special.

Send a Gift or Meal

During a time when visiting restrictions and isolation may be getting them down, a sweet treat or a favorite dish can help brighten someone’s day (check out our strawberry bread recipe if you want an easy idea) Mailing a package or ordering online is a nice way to share a connection. Books, flowers, puzzles and even a hot meal can brighten someone’s day. Just be sure if you’re bringing something to eat to our community for a loved one, that it is labeled and in a cleanable and disposable container.

Social distancing does not have to mean social isolation. Now, more than ever, we must find creative ways to stay connected. For those who may be secluded from visits, creativity and small touches really make a difference.

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At Colonial Oaks, we’re here to help you start that conversation and assist with all of the emotions that come with it. Our team has been helping people for more than 40 years and specializes in making any transition as smooth and comfortable as possible. To learn more or to schedule a lunch visit click the link below.

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